Common Q&As About Summer Aid Eligibility for Undergraduate Students

Need-based aid will be available for eligible students enrolled at Georgetown in summer terms for tuition expenses, and to meet the average costs for housing, meals, books, travel, and personal expenses while enrolled during the summer period.  

You may be eligible for summer financial aid if you qualified for Georgetown University Scholarship during the Fall or Spring term. To estimate your Expected Summer Family Contribution, you’ll need to double the Parent Contribution displayed in GUExperience as the amount reflects your parent contribution for one semester and then multiply by 0.3333.   For example, a $5,000 Parent Contribution in GUExperience would result in a $3,333 summer PC ($5000 * 2 * 0.3333).

    Under federal regulations you are not eligible for federal financial aid funding in summer terms if you enroll for less than 6 credits. Georgetown scholarship may be offered to some students enrolled in summer terms for less than 6 credits if the summer coursework is required to complete an undergraduate degree or in other special circumstances as will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 

    You may be eligible for Federal Work-Study (FWS) funding – if you will be enrolled as a continuing undergraduate in the following Fall term – but not for federal loans or Georgetown scholarships.  

    If you have your non-Georgetown institution complete a “financial aid consortium agreement”, then you may be eligible for federal financial aid funding to attend that institution, but you will not be eligible for Georgetown scholarship while you are enrolled at another institution.

    Visiting summer students who are not degree candidates at Georgetown University are not eligible to receive need-based financial aid from Georgetown, but you can apply for limited scholarship assistance directly from the Georgetown Summer School.